The Gold Collection
The Gold Collection (American Databankers)(Software Vault).ISO
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║ 25 - OS/2, Program Manager and Utilities ║
122KBD.ZIP Fix for IBM 122 Keyboard. From IBM.
1700ICO2.ZIP 1700 icons all in one package for OS/2 Converted from Window
20FIXC.ZIP Text file describing all available fixes for OS/2 v2.0.
20QAS.ZIP Common questions and their answers regarding OS/2 v2.0.
21ANNC.ZIP OS/2 2.1 announcement and promotional offer information.
21CID.ZIP Update LAN Cid For OS/21. For LAN Server 3.0.
21FAST.ZIP Description of book & utilities for os/2 2.1.
21README.ZIP The OS/2 2.1 ga Readme File.
21WPSF.ZIP Patch/Bug fix for OS/2 2.1, just released from IBM.
293253.ZIP Announcement: IBM Device Driver Source Kit for OS/2.
34NWREQ.ZIP Proteon OS/2 requestor for P134X nics.
360KFIX.ZIP Replacement driver/360 floppy support for os/2.
84NWREQ.ZIP Proteon OS/2 requestor for P184X nics.
9LIVES0D.ZIP New version of 9 Lives.
A91809.ZIP IBM doc file to support TCP/IP, NFS and X-Windows under OS/2
ADDICO11.ZIP REXX program to add icons to a file's extended attributes.
ADU2.ZIP Admin Disk Utilities for OS/2 2.x,.
ALGEN100.ZIP ALGEN v1.00 - The Avail List GENerator for OS/2.
ALRM20.ZIP Alarm Clock Scheduler 2.0 for OS/2, 32-bit application.
ANN0518.ZIP ZIPped Text of The IBM Os.2 2.1 Devt. Toolkit.
APING.ZIP APPC Ping program. Use it to benchmark your APPC comm.
AREXEC.ZIP Allows you to execute single command line on a workstation.
AT214A.ZIP Control modem from OS/2-prompt. 16 and 32-bit versions.
ATELL.ZIP Sends messages from one workstation to another.
ATELNT.ZIP Telnet for OS/2 extended services networks.
ATIOS2DV.ZIP OS/2 2.x Drivers For ATI Video Cards.
AUNT_OS2.ZIP File to help you get OS/2 running with Auntie BBS Software.
AV2.ZIP Archive Viewer 1.01. PM program for handling Archived files.
BACKDROP.ZIP OS/2 Plain Background Replacement.
BACKINI.ZIP OS/2 2.0 backup init files.
BELOWZRO.ZIP Below Zero's Product Catalogue in.INF format.
BENCHT.ZIP An .INF file is a reference for a program named BenchTech.
BIGSRT42.ZIP OS/2 Fast In-Memory Sort For Files Of Any Size.
BINKMAXP.ZIP Text File on Setting up Binkley And Maximus to Run Under OS/
BINSTOS2.ZIP Utilities For OS/2 To Handle Usenet Uuencoded Messages.
BJOS2_11.ZIP Canon Bubble-Jet Printer Drivers For OS/2X.
BLACKOS2.ZIP Blackjack Game For OS/2. Plays well, acceptable graphics.
BOOT20.ZIP Build a SE 2.0 bootable floppy, or 2 HD configurations.
BOOT2X_.ZIP OS/2 Boot System Create Utility.
BOOTABLE.ZIP Utility to create DOS bootable floppies while running OS/2.
BOOTDISK.ZIP A safer CMD file for creating an OS/2 boot disk.
BSEDEVH.ZIP OS/2 Bse.H Update.
BUBBA03.ZIP Beta 3 of Bubba - a PM mail gatherer and reader.
BVSVGA.ZIP Replacement BVHSVGA.DLL for 1meg cards with WD C30, C31.
BYEXAMPL.ZIP Container control source from Spring 93 OS/Developer Magazin
CDEXPL.ZIP The compact disk digital audio explorer for OS/2 2.0 MMPM/2.
CHECKER4.ZIP Checkers Game for OS/2 (2.0 compatible) Good...
CHECKLIM.ZIP Reports how much free memory OS/2 2.0 thinks is available.
CHKINI01.ZIP Check Ini by Henk Kelder. Removes all redundant information.
CLIP10.ZIP OS/2 Screen Capture Utility -Uses Printscreen to Capture.
CMDLINE.ZIP Command line 1.1 for os/2 2.0 by soft & gui.
COM16450.ZIP OS/2 Com Driver Fix Replaces Com01.Sys And Fixes Bugs.
COM2207.ZIP COMM drivers that seem to have fixed all the problems.
COMM2210.ZIP Beta comm drivers for OS/2 2.0; dated early August.
CPK2_101.ZIP Commpak/2 DLL Version 1.01 for use with TE/2 1.20.
CPUMONP.ZIP And OS/2X CPU Monitor Test Drive.
CPYINI01.ZIP Creates new, and much smaller, versions of your .INI files.
CTRLDES.ZIP Custom control source from Spring '93 OS/Developer Magazine.
CVS01.ZIP Virtual Desktop Utility For OS/2 2.X.
CW3580.ZIP Czar Wars Multi-Player OS/2 Game.
DEFRAGO.ZIP How to defrag safely after installing OS/2.
DESKP132.ZIP Desk Pic 1.32 OS/2 screen saver. A good screen saver.
DESKTOP2.ZIP Display GIF Image in OS/2 pm as Background.
DIRSTACK.ZIP Batch File Directory Stack Commands For OS/2.
DIRSTAT.ZIP OS/2 Program To Display LAN Adapter Parameters.
DKB32.ZIP DKB RayTracer for OS/2 2.o.
DMINE110.ZIP Yet another version of Minesweeper for OS/2 PM (FW).
DOS5_I.ZIP Instructions on creating a DOS image file for OS/2 2/0.
DOSGAMES.ZIP OS/2 settings for many DOS games.
DPMI.ZIP Fix to allow NSC 7.0 on OS/2. From IBM.
DSKTPCAL.ZIP Desk Top Calender for OS/2.
DSNEWS.ZIP OS/2 Developer Support Newsletter.
DUALBT43.ZIP BOOTINST 4.3 for OS/2 - installs a new master boot disk.
EABK20.ZIP Latest version of extended attribute backup utility.
EDGEFX.ZIP Edge Effects, puts marquee style lights.
EDMI2.ZIP Os/2 electronic developers magazine issue #2.
ENDVDM.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch For Ending Vdm.
EPMSPEL.ZIP How to add the spell checker ability to OS/2 2.0 editor.
EPSONIBM.ZIP OS/2 Drivers for Epson printers.
ESKIMO.ZIP OS/2 Software Catalogue from Eskimo Village.
ET4000.ZIP ET4000 drivers for OS/2. Will work with v2.0.
EV678OS2.ZIP Everex Viewpoint (EV-678) OS/2 Extended Driver.
EWSCAT.ZIP IBM Employee Written Software catalog.
FBMP1.ZIP Fractal BMP backgrounds for OS/2 v2.0.
FC010.ZIP File Commander for Text mode OS/2.
FDTN002U.ZIP FrontDoor Technical Note Update Running FD/RA Under OS/2.
FF143.ZIP FileFind 1.43; File Finder for OS/2 32-bit OS/2 2.0 program.
FF148.ZIP File Find Utility v. 1.48 for OS/2 2.0.
FINDVER.ZIP OS/2 find version of kernal.
FIX20A.ZIP List of ufficial 2.0 fix dated 7/15/92.
FJ500E.ZIP Filmanager OS/2+DOS, NC-Windows, HPFS, Editor Function Keys.
FLCO.ZIP Os/2 file utility, like norton commander. Imbos2.
FLST111.ZIP FastLst Nodelist Compiler v1.11 for OS/2 by Alberto Pasquale
FORWRN10.ZIP Forewarn Version Date Manager For OS/2.
FOUR22.ZIP Connect Four: Board Game For PM.
FREETIM.ZIP Freetime for OS/2 v1.x and v2.0. a CPU graph/screen saver.
FSPERF.ZIP File System Performance program.
GABOOT.ZIP 5.25" boot disk for OS/2 2.0.
GAMES20A.ZIP Tips For Os/2 And Dos Games Summary-Version0a.
GG243730.ZIP Source code for OS/2 2.0 to show how memory allocation more.
GG243774.ZIP Source code & EXE's for IBM RedBook on OS/2 v2.0.
GNUPLSRC.ZIP Source code left out of GNUPLTPM.zip for GNU PLOT.
GNUPLTPM.ZIP Popular GNU function plotter, for OS/2's PM.
GOSERV.ZIP IBM EWS A Gopher Server for OS/2 2.x.
GREP152A.ZIP Grep v1.52A: OS/2 2.0 GA level grep utility to search.
GREP203.ZIP F)grep utility for OS/2 2.0 GA. V2.03 grep text searching.
GTAK100.ZIP Implementation of UNIX-TAR on OS/2 v2.00.
GUILIB.ZIP Graphical User Interface Librarian.
HEXDMP.ZIP IBM OS/2 Tools: A binary data display and conversion utility
HLPEDT11.ZIP Help Editor For OS/2 pm.
HRTIMER.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Fix For Hardware Timer. Just For Some Oem System.
IBM1FLPY.ZIP Replaces IBMFLPY.ADD 360 K support.
IBMBBS.ZIP Tour of IBM'S BBS and listing of OS/2 files.
IBMNULL.ZIP IBM Null printer driver.
IBMPLAN.ZIP Text file describing future plans for OS/2.
IBMTRDB.ZIP Ver 1.2 of the LANStreamer OS/2 device driver.
IC04982.ZIP Fix For WINOS2 RIPL Clients. Applies To OS/2.
ICMEM2.ZIP OS/2 2.1 PCMCIA memory card drivers-Ver 1.0.
ICON1_00.ZIP Icon Tool by Henk Kelder. A 32-bit PM Application.
ICPADEMO.ZIP A DOS demo of the famous OS/2 application.
INFTXT.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Set of text files used by IBM support staff.
INIM21A2.ZIP OS/2 PM-based application that will maintain all OS/2 INI fi
INIM21B2.ZIP OS/2 PM-based Application: Handles OS/2 INI Files [2/2].
INIMAINT.ZIP util to manage OS/2 .INI files, and discussion on format.
IPFCPP.ZIP An IPF preprocessor from IBM Tools.
ISP3009B.ZIP Ispell v3.0.09 port from unix. Text file spell checker.
ISVBET.ZIP A listing of ISVs with applications which have been released
ITSNOW11.ZIP Customizable time displayer Now includes font support!.
JMOS2_01.ZIP Joe's OS/2 tips Issue 1.
JMOS2_02.ZIP Joe's OS/2 tips Issue 2.
JMOS2_03.ZIP Joe's OS/2 tips Issue 3.
JOEVIEW.ZIP PM based image viewer handles many formats. For OS/2. 4/23/9
JULY92.ZIP OS/2 Monthly July '92 Source Code Only Contains Code.
KED203.ZIP OS/2 character mode editor w/cut and paste, and more...
KED204.ZIP KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2 v 2.0.
KERNREV.ZIP OS/2 2.0: REXX command file to display the current revision.
KILLEM21.ZIP OS/2 2.0 32-bit application that kills a running process.
KLCPU.ZIP Tests the true CPU speed of your computer.
KWGUIDMO.ZIP Knowledgeware Gui Demo For OS/2.
KWQ_B3.ZIP Beta 3 of KWQ Mail/2, a PM .qwk mail reader.
L40PWR.ZIP Power Management Drivers For Ibm L40sx Under OS/2.1.
LH2_222.ZIP LHARC verison 2.22. Includes both 16 and 32 bit versions for
LINKRT.ZIP File Transfer Utility For OS/2.
LJ3OS213.ZIP Printer Driver For The Hp Laserjet Iii Printer For Os/2 V1.3
LOOK2_21.ZIP Look2 V2.1 32-Bit Version File, Dir. Viewing, Manipulate.
LSESSERV.ZIP Os/2 1.3. Newsletter.
LST102.ZIP Os/2 List File Utility.
MAH20E.ZIP OS/2 MahJongg V2.0-Chinese Tile game.
MAKBTDSK.ZIP Os/2 2.0 REXX .CMD file to create a 3.5" Boot disk (1.44m).
MAKEDSKF.ZIP OS/2 Diskette Image Utility.
MASTER22.ZIP Mastermind Board Game For OS/2 PM.
ME310.ZIP MicroEMACS for OS/2. Emacs editor ported to OS/2 text mode.
MEM428.ZIP Determine how OS/2 2.0 uses memory; w/C src.
MEMO11.ZIP Memo 1.1 is a little reminder utility for OS/2 PM.
MEMSTAT.ZIP OS/2 2.0 & 1.3 Memory Display Program.
MEMSZ130.ZIP Memsize v1.30: OS/2 system resources swapping util.
MEOS2.ZIP Tool For Creating / Changing Documents, Programs, Etc.
MITSU21.ZIP Using Mitsumi Cd-Rom With OS/2 2.1.
MITSUM.ZIP Set up Mitsumi LU005S CDRom under OS/2 VDM.
MJOS2_20.ZIP Majhonng for OS/2 v2.0 - a 32 bit game.
MKBOOT.ZIP OS/2 REXX program to make an OS/2 2.0 boot disk.
MKLAPI10.ZIP Marklin Digital Driver api samples For OS/2 And DOS V 1.0.
MOLEOS.ZIP Utility To View And Terminate A Crashed OS/2 Program.
MOUSE177.ZIP Replacement MOUSE.SYS drivers for OS/2 to speed up mouse.
MR2_143.ZIP OS/2 Mail Reader.
MR2_151.ZIP A QWK Compatible Mail Reader For OS/2.
MRP_099B.ZIP A QWK Compatible Mail Reader For OS/2.
MSGXP120.ZIP MSgx V1.2 For OS/2. Creates Text File Output.
MSQ2_1P.ZIP MSgedsq V2.1 For OS/2.
MVOS221.ZIP Latest Pas-16 Drivers For OS/2 2.1.
NE2000LS.ZIP LAN Server 2.0 with NE2000 cards. Drivers and a description.
NEMO01.ZIP A Text-mode Shell Program For OS/2.
NETAPI.ZIP Net API Utility v1.0 for OS/2 2.0 & Lan Server 2.0.
NETGET.ZIP REXX script that extracts AND optionally formats a given net
NEWZIPS.ZIP REXX Utility To Simplify Unpacking.
NIKON2.ZIP Nikon II is a screen capture utility for OS/2 2.
NTS2FX.ZIP NTS/2 Fixes For OS/2 2.1 And CID Install (IBMnet).
NWTCPOS2.ZIP Configure Netware Requestor for OS/2 to Run With TCP/IP.
O2FORMAT.ZIP The Quick Format Utility That IBM Left Out Of OS/2.
ONE_UP.ZIP Three demonstration programs from a company named One-Up;.
OPTI201.ZIP Optical Disk Driver Version 2.01 For OS/2 2.1.
ORCH1K16.ZIP 1024x768x16 color driver for Orchid Pro Designer IIs.
OS20FIX.ZIP OS/2: List of All OS/2 2.0 Fixes Available From IBM.
OS2ASPI.ZIP Adaptec SCSI drivers for OS/2 2.0.
OS2BBSW.ZIP Listing of OS/2-BBS's around the world.
OS2BOOKS.ZIP List of OS/2 2.0 books from IBM BBS.
OS2BT.ZIP Make a Boot Disk for OS/2.
OS2BT12.ZIP Instructions for creating an OS/2 boot disk.
OS2CONFG.ZIP Text file explaining each line in OS/2 v2.0's CONFIG.SYS.
OS2COP21.ZIP Copy an individually configured OS/2 2.1B.
OS2DBUTL.ZIP OS/2 1.X Database utility's..for Loading data into tables.
OS2DPERF.ZIP OS/2 Disk I/O Performance Evaluator.
OS2FACTS.ZIP Informative Text File About OS/2 2.1.
OS2FAQ1.ZIP OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions.
OS2FAQ2D.ZIP OS/2 2.0 frequently asked questions, August 1 edition.
OS2FL.ZIP Listing of all files associated with the GA release of OS/2.
OS2FOTO.ZIP Intelligent Backup And Restore For OS/2 2.Xx.
OS2FTP.ZIP All files at hobbes.nmsu.edu,big os/2 ftpsite.
OS2FTP12.ZIP OS2YOU file transfer protocols (NOT internet FTP).
OS2KILL.ZIP OS2KILL: Will delete OS/2 2.0 hidden & nonDOS files from roo
OS2LIST.ZIP 79 things OS/2 can do that Windows can't.
OS2MAZ.ZIP Maze Game For OS/2.
OS2MOUSE.ZIP Mouse Driver Fix For Os/2 2.0 V6.167 Beta.
OS2PLAN.ZIP IBM's future plans for OS/2, along with a rebuttal on MS.
OS2PRG12.ZIP Continued thread from ibm bbs programming conference.
OS2RPRTS.ZIP Comments from the OS/2 2.0 beta testers.
OS2SHUTD.ZIP Shutdown OS/2 2.0 from the command line.
OS2SPEED.ZIP Make DOS programs think they are running under Desqview.
OS2STAC.ZIP Information about OS/2 version of Stacker due out.
OS2SUM.ZIP List of OS/2 files on CompuServe in the IBM support forum.
OS2TET.ZIP Tetris PM for OS/2.
OS2TNT.ZIP OS/2 2.0 - Tips and Techniques - Text.
OS2TNT18.ZIP OS/2 Tips And Techniques, 5/18/92 Version.
OS2TNTRP.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Tips and Techniques - 6-22-92 The June 1992 issue.
OS2TT810.ZIP OS/2 Tips and Techniques dated 8/10/92.
OS2VEMM.ZIP OS/2 2.0 ga fix of VEMM.SYS 04-21-92 from NCS.
OS2WORLD.ZIP OS/2 BBS's Across The World Listing--September, 1992.
OS2YOU27.ZIP Os2you V2.7 Remote Access to OS/2 & DOS.
OS2_105.ZIP Text file listing 105 things that IBM's OS/2 2.0 can do.
OS2_COM.ZIP Information On Com Ports Under OS/2.
OS2_MOU.ZIP Information On Mouse And Pointer Devices Under OS/2.
OSCPY250.ZIP OS/2 Disk Image Making Program.
PASGIM.ZIP Online Personal OS/2 Ver.3 General Information Manual.
PGOS2_20.ZIP STB drivers for OS/2 2.0 (640x480x16, 800x600x16, 1024x768x1
PLEASE3.ZIP PLEASE 32-bit version for OS/2 wide beta.
PLJV.ZIP Some Utilities For OS/2.
PMBNG101.ZIP OS/2 PM Bingo Version 1.01.
PMCAMERA.ZIP PM Camera - take snapshots of your PM screens, export in .bm
PMD20E.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Program To Copy And Compare Disks.
PMDCOPY.ZIP Program Manager Based Disk Copier. OS/2.
PMDIB1.ZIP PMDIB 1.0 Aid tool for OS/2 general developers.
PMENV.ZIP PM Enveloper, great for those quick envelope jobs.
PMFLI100.ZIP .FLI animation player for OS/2 v2.0.
PMFTRM.ZIP PMFTERM 1.2c for OS/2 2.0 - async comm prog.
PMGEDB.ZIP File Viewer For GEDCOM Files In OS/2.
PMMEM.ZIP OS/2 2.0: Displays physical memory in use as a bar graph.
PMPRTF.ZIP IBM OS/2 Tools: use the C standard function 'printf'.
PMSCHEME.ZIP Untried way to modify the os/2 scheme.
PMSEEK43.ZIP OS/2 pm File Find Utility.
PMSWITCH.ZIP Filters ALT-Escape entries.
PMTREE30.ZIP A tree pprogram for objects and windows. (IBM).
PMVIEW85.ZIP 32bit GIF, JPG, Etc. Viewer For OS/2 2.x.
PMZIP100.ZIP PMZIP 1.0 a ZIP File Manager for OS/2 PM.
PROBREP.ZIP Another problem report form for ibm about os/2.
PROCS21.ZIP OS/2 2.0 32-bit application that lists all running processes
PRXUTILS.ZIP OS/2 2.0 ReXX Utility Library.
PSPM2.ZIP Graphical tree of active processes.
PSUP237.ZIP Postscript formatting program for OS/2 Presentation Manager.
PUSHD20.ZIP OS/2 Utility: A Unix Clone REXX Program, Untried.
QWIK12.ZIP Update to QwikSwitch 1.2. QwikSwitch now starts up minimized
QWKSWI11.ZIP Quick Switch v1.1.
RAYBMP.ZIP Two ray-traced BMP backgrounds for OS/2 v2.0.
RCD.ZIP REXX script can be used like the NCD command.
READPM1.ZIP OS/2 pm Offline Mailer Reader no Qwk Support Yet.
RECREA.ZIP OS/2 2.X REXX Command File To Recreate Lost WPS Objects.
REVIEW20.ZIP Review of os/2 2.0, nice to read.
RUNNING2.ZIP Tabular display of running processes with a "slay" program.
RXANSI.ZIP A DLL for use in REXX command files for OS/2.
RXCALC.ZIP Sample C programs show how to use REXX as a Macro Lang.
S3NDD1.ZIP Finally! IBM support for S3 based video adaptors for OS/2 2.
S3NDD2.ZIP Finally! IBM support for S3 based video adaptors for OS/2 2.
SBCD2.ZIP Addition To The OS/2 2.X Soundblaster 16/Pro Cd-Rom Drivers.
SCALC.ZIP OS/2 Programmer's Calculator From Sourceline Software.
SCANOPEN.ZIP OS/2 Event Timer, Useful For OS/2 Server Getty Functions.
SE20BOOT.ZIP Create a bootable OS/2 system from any existing.
SEARCHOS.ZIP Rexx Script. Find Text In Ascii-Files (Incl. Subdirs). Os/2.
SELDEL.ZIP Selectively deletes OS/2 2.0 (and most 2.1) applets.
SHRED.ZIP Two alternative icons for OS/2's Shredder.
SIO065C.ZIP Gwinn's SIO/VSIO v0.65C OS/2 COM drivers.
SIO070.ZIP Beta version 0.70 of Ray Gwinn's OS/2 2.x comm drivers.
SIO100.ZIP Ray guinn's comm drivers for os/2 2.x.
SIO100A.ZIP Os/2 new release of sio/vsio drivers.
SIO102.ZIP Os/2 gwinn comm driver.
SLEEP101.ZIP OS/2 Program: Sleeps For Number Of Seconds / Wakeup Time.
SOMFIX.ZIP OS/2 2.0 "Improves synergism with the WPS desktop".
SOMWPS.ZIP Postrcipt document explaing SOM/WPS programming.
SPEEDSTA.ZIP Text file on how to get your Speedstar video board working.
SSNDREXX.ZIP BocaSoft System Sounds PMREXX Interface.
STARTD.ZIP Performs like START, but starts a DOS program using Settings
STARTVDM.ZIP Start an image file from the command line.
STDAPP.ZIP Full source code for StdApp article in the June 1992.
STVI369G.ZIP The Stevie Editor (From Unix) V3.69grr Ported to OS/2.
SUPERG10.ZIP Diplay your PM group as Super Groups anywhere <ASP>.
SVGA_O.ZIP OS/2 v2.0 driver for 1024x768x16 with Diamond Speedstar.
SYSCL2.ZIP OS/2 Presentation Manager System Color Configuration Manager
T800V.ZIP Trident 800x600x256c VIRTUAL Desktop Driver for OS/2 2.0.
T8514.ZIP Trident 1024x768x256 color driver with 8514 resources.
TARV314.ZIP TARRR Utility For OS/2 1.3 And ES 1.0 DBM.
TEAMOS2.ZIP Vicci Conway's Worldwide Team OS/2 Listing.
TEDS11.ZIP Taylor Editor is a FREE OS/2 ASCII text editor.
TERM2_10.ZIP Terminal/2 ver 1.0 terminal pgm for OS/2.
TIMEOS2.ZIP A REXX script to dial the US Naval Observatory and set time.
TIMESET.ZIP REXX prog calls up National Observatory and sets the time.
TIMUP121.ZIP Gives Time Since Last Boot In OS/2 Sessions.
TINF28.ZIP TOOLS.INF v2.8 - lists of suppliers/products of os/2 product
TIPS12.ZIP OS/2 Tips and Techniques Version 1.2.
TL2.ZIP Alternative to double click task list in OS/2 2.0.
TMBNK201.ZIP A Time Bank for Maximus OS/2 BBS systems. REXX scripts.
TOPXP111.ZIP TopicX v1.11 for OS/2 Topical message searching/extracting.
TRID_FIX.ZIP VSVGA.SYS and OS2LDR fixes (6/20/92) for OS/2 2.0.
TRSH12.ZIP TrashMan V1.2 - OS/2 PM Game (Shareware) New Save/Restore Op
TRSHMN.ZIP A PM game. Push trash around with a broom into the trashcan
TURBO.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Fixes problems with NEC's using Turbo optio
TXT2PS.ZIP Intercepts streams for Postscript printers;.
TYPEFAST.ZIP TypeFast For PM, typing Tutor/game for OS/2.
UNZ50X16.ZIP Unzip v5.0 16 bit version. Supports deflation, EA's.
UNZ50X32.ZIP Unzip v5.0 32 bit version. Supports deflation, EA's.
UPDAT3.ZIP Third update of the Mitsumi OS/2 2.0 drivers.
V2TECH.ZIP Very useful technical support info on OS/2 2.
VCD10.ZIP VCD 1.0 Enhanced CD utility for OS/2 & DOS.
VCOMP103.ZIP VCOMP v1.03: enhanced compare util for OS/2 and DOS.
VEMM.ZIP OS/2 EMM fix for DOS sessions.
VIEW3D.ZIP 3D World For OS/2 Ver. 1.0.
VP162FIX.ZIP Beta fix for 162 163 errors on local bus valuepoint using OS
VSVGA103.ZIP Virtual SuperVGA Driver For OS/2 2.0 ga V1.03.
VSWITCH.ZIP OS/2 switch sessions that work in full screen text.
VSYSMON.ZIP Sysop Utilities For VBBS Ver. 6.1 For OS/2.
VUNDEL2.ZIP Visual UnDelete Utility For OS/2 2.x.
WATCH3.ZIP "Watching OS/2" column Volume 1, Issue 3.
WELCOS2.ZIP Restore The Welcome Folder For Preloaded OS/2.0 + Systems.
WHRIS.ZIP 32-bit for OS/2 2.0 - command-line file find utility.
WHRIS200.ZIP WHEREIS.EXE v2.00 (OS/2 32-bit) 08/26/92.
WINDLG.ZIP An OS/2 PM Code Fragment For Opening With A Dialog Box.
WLO_CARD.ZIP 1 of 4 Windows utility ported to OS/2. Cardfile program.
WLO_REVR.ZIP 3 of 4 Windows utilities ported to OS/2. This is Reversi.
WPSGUIDE.ZIP Work Place Shell Unofficial Guide.
WPSICONS.ZIP Several very nice icons for OS/2 2.0.
XGARIPL.ZIP Instructions and files required to RIPL OS/workstation.
XL227C.ZIP XLIST version 2.27c; full-screen file and archive management
XMAPS1.ZIP Os/2 very nice 256 color bitmaps for os/2 fr.
ZIP19X16.ZIP Zip v1.9. Supports deflation and OS/2 EA's.
ZIP19X32.ZIP Zip v1.9. 32 bit version. Supports deflation and OS/2 EA's.
ZMOUSE.ZIP OS/2 2.0 Patch - Fixes problems with a wild mouse.